Dive into the untold stories of diverse individuals. Explore their past, present, and future.

about us

We talk about stuff and things, tune in!

Over the years, I've had the privilege of meeting extraordinary individuals from all walks of life. Their backstories, rich in experiences, have always intrigued me. 'Full Circle' is a podcast dedicated to uncovering these unique journeys. We delve into everything from the peaks of success to the valleys of despair. Our guests share their passions, current pursuits, and visions for the future, providing a comprehensive look into their lives.

Hosted by Danny Quinn, a curious mind and a keen listener, 'Full Circle' brings you conversations that enlighten and inspire. Our mission is to uncover the layers that make us who we are and to find lessons in every story.

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Meet our recent guests

Name Surname
Founder, Company

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Frank Gilfeather
Freelance Journalist, Broadcaster and boxing coach.

A 78-year-old Aberdeen sports presenter turned boxing TikTok star! Once a renowned Scotland international boxer in the 1960s, Frank is now conquering the digital world with his viral boxing tutorials.

Paul Hutchinson
Director at Collective IP

From the lessons learned and challenges faced on the ultra-marathon trails, and rise to success with the harsh reality of losing a business, Paul's story embodies the true essence of endurance.

Jessie Fleming
Personal Trainer & MMA fighter

Jessie discusses the significant choices that led to his relocation, the intense experiences following carjackers, the rigorous training for the Hyrox competition, and more.

Richard Woodfield
Director of RDB Concepts Ltd

Richard discusses the demanding world of coal mining to the dynamic realm of building and selling businesses, from the thrill of deep-sea diving to his time touring with the band Attrition.

Fraser Bryce

Fraser Bryce shares his inspiring journey from not liking school to finding his place in sales and helping struggling businesses, giving his tips for success in today’s digital world.

Kevin Donaghy
Author and Consultant

Kevin Donaghy bravely shares his journey with stage 4 cancer and illustrates how his battle led him to the path of writing; stressing that though hopes change, the essence of hope remains constant.

Adam Ashe
Former Scotland Rugby International Player, DJ, and entrepreneur

Adam shares his journey from the rugby field to new ventures, discussing his Scotland debut, career highs and lows, and the transition to life after sports.